Alan Bryan Burger, 69, of Zebulon, Ga, passed away on March 7th, 2022. He passed away peacefully in the care of hospice due to having multiple strokes.
Alan was retired from a long and dedicated life to working in construction as an electrician and later, a project manager. In his spare time, Alan enjoyed visiting with family and friends, riding his motorcycle, and playing his guitar.
Preceded in death by his son, Daniel Burger, Alan is survived by his brother, William J. Burger Jr., his sisters, Ruth Ann Bittner and Marianne Gretza, his sons, Donovan Burger and David Minks, his daughter, Denise Minks, and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.
His son, Donovan will hold a memorial service at his house on March 19th at 11am for any of Alan’s family and friends to attend.
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