Ravenel Redmond
A native Savannahian, his parents were Dr. and Mrs. Redmond, a local physician.
He is predeceased by his wife, Anne Redmond. He leaves a daughter and his sister, Patricia Powers who lives locally.
He was a valued member of several Veterans’ organizations. These include American Legion Post 135, Scottish American Military Society Post 7, Chatham County Veteran’s Council, Voiture 567 of La Societe de Quarante Hommes et Huit Chevaux (40 & 8), the Adjutants Staff of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Coastal Scottish Heritage Society. He was a hard-working member of each organization and could be counted on to support any or all activities of those organizations.
As a member of the American Legion, he served several years as the Sergeant-at-Arms and as a member of the Executive Board and participated in myriad projects sponsored by the Legion.
He was very active in SAMS (Scottish American Military Society) Post 7. As an active member of the SAMS Color Guard (a kilted military organization) he participated in many parades, weddings, funerals and ceremonies over the years. These included St. Patrick’s Day activities and Parades in Savannah, the Parade on Tybee Island and the Parade on Hilton Head Island. He attended Opening Ceremonies for the Savannah Scottish Games; the Collodin Games in Forsyth, Georgia; the Jacksonville Games; the Atlanta Games; and the Tampa Games. He also participated in the Christmas Parades in Tybee Island, Savannah and Richmond Hill over the years. He led the Savannah Veteran’s Day Parade many years as a member of the Color Guard.
Rav was a member of the Coastal Scottish Heritage Society and as such was active in their events including the Annual Scottish Games and Robert Burns Night activities.
He participated in the monthly meetings of the Chatham County Veteran’s Council for years as a member and the Sergeant-at-Arms. He was a member of the Adjutants Staff of the Veteran’s Day Parade, helping with the Parade in the years he was not physically able to participate as a marcher.
The organization that was closest to his heart, however, was the Society of the Forty and Eight. He was very active in the formal initiation and informal initiation of new members. He put his heart and soul into ensuring all participants had a lasting memory of the event. Additionally, he served as Garde de la Porte for many years.
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Mike Thorne
I will miss him. Till we meet again. Condolences to all the family
G. John Parker
Enjoyed our comradarie and enjoyed serving with Rav in Voiture 567 over the years. He will be missed. Rest in Heaven, Rav.
Gilbert o mojica
RIP dear Comrad and friend.
GOD Recibe. You in His holy hands.and live with HIM for ever my condolence .to the fam. May GOD comfort your hearts.We miss you. Rav.🙏
Debbie Berta
Rav and fido are dearly missed by us, may you both rest in peace and God give the family the strength that they need
Charlotte Fordham
Rav was a good man. He gave to anyone who needed help. He will truly be missed by everyone. RIP my friend.
Mark Gannam
I was saddened to have just learned of Rav’s passing. I have known him for 46 years. I was just a teenager when we first became aquainted in the mid 1970’s, when he lived behind me in the Gordonston subdivision. I came to know him by the name “Butch”.
Butch was always neighborly, friendly, kind, cheerful, jovial and fun-loving. Butch was whimsical and had a very distinct sense of humor coupled with hilarious mannerisms. We would regularly visit with each other and escapade around town. Butch always made himself selflessly available to help me whenever I was tinkering with my car – doing mechanical work, customization or cleaning. I recall Butch having a 1950-something Ford pickup in his backyard which was his restoration project truck. We shared similar interests. As time progressed Butch and I eventually took differing life paths…but some of his memorable quips, quotes, sayings and Butch-isms still remain with me. RIP Butch. Thoughts, prayers and condolences to Butch’s family.