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Allen L. Edwards

Posted By Funeral Funeral Futurist On June 9, 2014 @ 12:00 am In Obituaries | No Comments

Allen LeRoy Edwards passed away Tuesday at his home in Guyton, Georgia, surrounded by loved ones.  He lost his long battle with cancer and liver disease. 
He was born May 12, 1950 to Henrietta Lucille Sikes Edwards and William DeWitt Edwards, Jr., in Savannah, Georgia and was raised in Garden City.  He was the youngest of four leaving behind his sister, Angie Lincoln, and his brothers, Raymond Edwards and Billy Edwards.
He started his adult life with the Navy, moved on to the Coast Guard around the time of Vietnam, and had several jobs after that related to electronics, before becoming a self-employed handyman.   He grew that into his own company, Remodeling Etc., which he operated for many years before closing the business to join the Buildings and Maintenance department of the City of Savannah.
He is survived by his wife, Dianne Edwards, and children Arlen Cayce Edwards, Jennifer Rose Gallovitch, and Allen DeWitt Edwards.  He also leaves behind four grandchildren, Lorna, Fiona, Elise, and Ethan.


A Celebration of Life will be held at Families First Funeral Care on Dean Forest Road this Saturday at 2pm.  
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Condolences for the family of “Allen L. Edwards”

Condolence from C.J. Neesmith on June 10th, 2014 9:27 pm

A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others. May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead.

May the many fond memories of your loved one provide you with peace and serenity at this time of loss.

Condolence from Susan Mitchell on June 14th, 2014 7:07 pm

Harry and I were devastated at the news of Alan’s passing. To all you we wish our deepest of sympathies and feel your loss as he was a good friend of both of us for so many years. You will be in our prayers. Harry and Susan Mitchell

Condolence from Alisa Reed on September 1st, 2014 12:08 pm

He will always be Leroy to me. I was one of the few who could get away with it, and not suffer that “look’. As a very little girl, I remember sitting atop the corner brick pillar to our property that overlooked Main Street, and the Edward’s home . I was the familiar ‘little waving girl’ greeting and sending him off on his daily journey. Much later in life we were reunited while I was over-seeing some repair work on our home in Garden City. I was so happy to get to know Leroy as an adult and so enjoyed the friendship. It grieves me that we lost touch again, and had just made a note on May 31st for one of my son’s to call him at his job and give him our new contact information. I’m sad that we missed that last opportunity. My sincere condolences to family. He was a wonderful person, and no doubt will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

Article printed from Families First Funeral Care & Cremation Center Savannah, Georgia: https://www.familiesfirstcare.com

URL to article: https://www.familiesfirstcare.com/allen-l-edwards/

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[1] Tribute Wall: http://www.familiesfirstcare.com/tribute-wall/76/Allen-Edwards.html

[2] Offer Condolence for the family of Allen L. Edwards: https://www.familiesfirstcare.com/allen-l-edwards/#respond

[3] Image: https://www.familiesfirstcare.com/allen-l-edwards/print/

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